

诺福克 , 23529年

凌拓博士.D., 注册会计师, CMA, is 助理教授 of the 会计学院 in the 斯特罗姆商学院 at bet8体育娱乐入口. Dr. 两门课程获得了博士学位.D. in Business with an emphasis in 会计 from University of Memphis in 2015. 在来到老多明尼安之前. Tuo was 助理教授 of 会计 at Lawrence Technological University in Michigan.

Her work has been published in several leading business and accounting research journals, such as 市场研究杂志, 商业道德杂志, 会计与公共政策杂志, 会计进展等等. She has taught various accounting courses for both undergraduate and graduate students in the field of financial accounting, 会计分析, 管理会计, 和税务. Her professional designations include Certified Public Accountant (注册会计师), 注册管理会计师(CMA), and nonactive member of Certified Public Accountant (注册会计师) in China.


Financial 会计, Managerial 会计, IFRS, Data Analytics


Financial Reporting and Voluntary Disclosures, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance


朱,我.二,L., Yan, Y.范,Q. 汤姆森,M。. (2024). A Preemptive and Curative Solution to Mitigate Data Breaches: Corporate Social Responsibility as a Double Layer of Protection. 市场研究杂志.
陀,我.Rezaee Z. 高,L. (2024). Is there a tradeoff between management earnings forecasts and sustainability reporting?. 环球财经杂志 59.
陈,C.刘忠.唐,W. 二,L. 会计 reporting complexity, audit engagement partner mandatory rotation, and audit quality. 企业会计杂志 & 金融.
陀,我. 韩寒,S. Does Taxation Education Improve Tax Compliance: An Empirical Study. 税收进展.
刘,Z.,康,Y.,林,S. W. 二,L. 加速20-F备案的影响. 会计与公共政策杂志 42 (3).
陀,我., 杜,R. 刘,Z。. CFO accounting education on the choice of earnings management. 企业会计与财务杂志 34 (4).
陀,我.韩,S.,雷扎伊,Z. Yu J. What does corporate sustainability reporting imply to auditors? Evidence from going-concern opinions and discretionary accruals. 国际会计杂志 & 信息管理 31 (3) , pp. 487-503.
汉族,年代.Rezaee Z.二,L. 吴,J. (2021). 企业社会影响和审计师变化. 企业会计杂志 & 金融 32 (2) , pp. 129-153.
陀,我., Yu J. 张,Y. (2020). How do industry peers influence individual firms’ voluntary disclosure strategies?. 定量财务与会计评论 54 , pp. 911–956.
汉族,年代.Rezaee Z. 二,L. (2020). Is cost stickiness associated with management earnings forecasts?. 亚洲会计评论.
陀,我.张,Y. 托尼.刘忠. Du R. (2019). Business education of CEO-CFO an annual report readability . 经济学评论 & 金融 17.
Yu J.二,L. 吴博士. (2019). Industry peer firms' earnings quality and IPO underpricing. 企业会计杂志 & 金融 30 (1) , pp. 36-62.
Rezaee Z. 二,L. (2019). Are the quantity and quality of sustainability disclosures associated with the innate and discretionary earnings quality?. 商业道德杂志 155 (3) , pp. 763-786.
杜,R.,李,S.二,L. 张,Y. (2018). Earnings comparability and firm-specific stock price crash risk. 国际会计杂志 and Financial Reporting 8 (3).
Rezaee Z. 二,L. (2017). Voluntary disclosure of non-financial information and its association with sustainability performance. 会计进展 39 , pp. 47-59.


林,年代.玲,R.刘忠. 二,L. ( 2024). 会计 Fraud Allegations and Investor Sentiment: The Case of Luckin Coffee Oral Presentation 2024 国际 会计 Section Midyear Meeting Atlanta.
陀,我.,林,S.刘忠. 凌,R. (2023年5月). HFCAA and its market reaction Oral Presentation 45th Annual Congress of the European 会计 Association Espoo, 芬兰.
凌,R.二,L. 刘,Z。. (2022年6月). Luckin Coffee Case Study Oral Presentation The 9th international Conference of Journal of 国际 会计 研究 Online.
陀,我.刘忠. 凌,R. (2022年6月). Market Reaction to the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act Oral Presentation The 9th international Conference of Journal of 国际 会计 研究 Online.
汉族,年代.Rezaee Z.二,L. Yu J. ( 2019). 社会责任报告, Sustainability Assurance and Auditor Conservatism Oral Presentation American 会计 Association Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA .
陀,我.张,Y. 托尼.刘忠. Du R. ( 2019). Business Education of CEO-CFO and Readability of Annual Reports Oral Presentation American 会计 Association Annual Meeting 2019 San Francisco, CA .
汉族,年代.Rezaee Z.二,L. Yu J. ( 2019). 社会责任报告, Sustainability Assurance and Auditor Conservatism Oral Presentation American 会计 Association Ohio Region Meeting Columbus, OH .
汉族,年代.Rezaee Z. 二,L. ( 2018). 成本 Stickiness and Management Earnings Forecast Oral Presentation American 会计 Association Western Regional Meeting Vancouver, WA .
汉族,年代.Rezaee Z. 二,L. ( 2018). 成本 Stickiness and Management Earnings Forecast Oral Presentation 亚洲会计评论 国际 会计 Symposium 2018 Taipei, 台湾 .
汉族,年代.Rezaee Z. 二,L. ( 2017). 成本 Stickiness and Management Earnings Forecast Oral Presentation American 会计 Association Annual Meeting 2017 San Diego, CA .
汉族,年代.Rezaee Z.二,L. Yu J. ( 2017). 社会责任报告, Sustainability Assurance and Auditor Conservatism Oral Presentation The 1st CCGAR & RIEM 研究 Camp on Auditing and 会计 Chengdu, China .
Rezaee Z. 二,L. ( 2016). Is Voluntary Disclosure of Nonfinancial Information Associated with Sustainability Performance? Poster American 会计 Association Annual Meeting 2016 New York, NY .
陀,我., Yu J. 张,Y. 托尼. ( 2016). How industry peer firms influence the voluntary disclosure strategy? Oral Presentation The 24th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin 金融, 经济学, 新竹“会计与管理”, 台湾 .
Rezaee Z. 二,L. ( 2015). Determinants of Nonfinancial Information Disclosure Poster American 会计 Association Annual Meeting 2015 Chicago, IL .
Rezaee Z. 二,L. ( 2014). Are Management Earnings Forecast Associated with Sustainability Performance Disclosure Oral Presentation American 会计 Association Southeast Conference 2014 St Petersburg, FL .